Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Living life is important, but it still hurts now that he's gone.
I will miss him, because he made me laugh without any worries
and smile without fear.
I love you Mr David Cocking of the UK.


he died in an accident, not associated to alcohol but freakishly while he was busy with the work of life. I will miss him for the purely selfish reason all people do when someone dies. I will miss him simply because I do not get the chance, spark, the moment of inspiration that every person brings into your life. But I will miss him most because he made my life bright. he made it fun. he made it worthwhile. I wanted to spend so much time with him if only to see what would happen next.

My mother is going to the funeral, Unfortunately I cannot attend. I am still recouperating from the surgery of only two weeks ago. Its odd that this is the second time someone close to me has passed after a knee surgery. I want to believe that it's coincidence, but I'm to superstitious to not think that its not related. Christ. It will be awhile before I can laugh again like that.

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