Thursday, May 01, 2003

okay. Now I'm better than I was before.

its difficult to have to re-evaluate what you've been planning for. To have that rug yanked from under. Law school/grad school/ advanced degree was the its not. I have to start over and then just step back into the rushing throng of the day to day life that I used to have. Unfortunately that day-to-day life sucks and is incredibly dreary.

Changing subjects: I just got back from a 5 day road trip with two friends, and although it was I'm left with the feeling like it wasn't long enough. Damn my employed friends for being responsble. This is the one time in my life when I have shit to do and the last thing on my mind is to stay put. Regardless. 5 days, 3 states, 9 national parks/monuments. Fuckin awesome. It only makes me want to go back and do it all again... possibly with a little more time in Northern New Mexico...less of it spent on the 666 highway...and yes there is a 666 highway. I shit you not...we broke down there. Talk about odd coincidence. But the rest of the trip was filled with inside jokes, flatulence, snoring and lots and lots of sex talk...(I was the only girl.)
I'll get to the details and the images later. I'm too bored with the retelling of it all to try and justfy it right now with detailed explinations of wasteless ideas.

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