Wednesday, August 04, 2004

California's SUV Ban - The Golden State has outlawed big SUVs on many of its roads but doesn't seem to know it.!

California's SUV Ban - The Golden State has outlawed big SUVs on many of its roads but doesn't seem to know it. (article from

"Here's what few people seem to realize: By weighing in at more than 6,000 pounds, big SUVs are prohibited on thousands of miles of road in California. Cities across the state including San Francisco, Los Angeles, Pasadena, and Santa Monica use the 3-ton cutoff for many or nearly all of their residential streets. State law gives them the ability to do this for very straightforward reasons: The heavier the vehicle, the more it chews up the roads, endangers pedestrians and smaller vehicles, and makes noise. "

hence the reason why I'm doing a little happy dance right now. (sort of) This would go hand in hand with my ultimate joy of joys...A REAL graduated tax that would immediately take 45 – 50% off the top for any individual who makes over 100,000 a year.

ahhhh... a girl can dream, can't she?

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