Best - book - Ever! it is out of print, (unfortunately) but it still looks like a good 'ol fashioned page turner about "sister-hood", loving and well more loving. It is set in "olde west" and it is a story of a women trying to solve the mystery of her sisters murder, and getting out of the dustbowl together....
Lynne Cheney - the 2nd Lady is an accomplished writer with a PhD in 19th century English Lit. Yet, I wonder though about her influences.....
It looks like has managed to find a rare signed copy of this book and has it on
e-bay. The most recent bid that I've seen is for $405... wowie wow!
OMG! Is that the book Jimmy Kimmel had on his show and made his Grandpa Frank read it? LOL...that book is too funny.
I'm passing around the collection plate so that I can get a copy...anyone in?
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